Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bye-Bye 2009

So it's a beginning of the new year and time for New Year's resolutions. My resolution is to take it easy, dance-wise. It has gotten out of hands by the very end of 2009. Not that I worked so much more, but I certainly had much more intense nights. Last 3-4 weeks of 2009 turned out extremely profitable, but also mentally challenging. Every night I met a new group of customers easily persuadable to become no-good. Cookies? Hell yes! Yummy shots of tequila? Yes, please. 4 bottles of $700+ champagne? Why not?! More girls? Yes!! How about one more? Why not?! Credit card maxed out? Try another one. Another one has been maxed out since 3 hours ago? Here is another one... In other words- excellent 3-4 weeks for my finances, horrible for my state of mind. It's been at least a month since I have been able to fall asleep without Ambien/Xanax. My housekeeping hasn't been entirely neglected only thanks to my cleaning lady. Haven't been cooking, haven't read any quality literature, haven't enjoyed any aspects of my life. All I have been thinking/dreaming/hearing about was money. Money-money-money-money. Then drug-induced sleep. Then few hours of Desperate Housewives of Some County.. I am almost hyperventilating while writing about it now. So it is time to take it easy and breathe.

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